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Timbuktu Desert Festival - DJ 99: Club Kwassa Kwassa

  • Salt Art 1 Langkaia Oslo, Oslo, 0150 Norway (kart)

Vi lager ørkenfestival på SALT lørdag 18. August. 

Den legendariske Festival au Désert i Mali besøker SALT, Lørdag 18. August. Grunnlegger av festivalen, Manny Ansar er nå på turne med konseptet "CARAVAN of ARTISTS for PEACE and RESILIENCE" og tar med seg ørkenvibben og bandet Kader Tarhanine til SALT. DJ 99 - Guttorm Andreasen med Club Kwassa Kwassa serverer ørkenmusikk før og etter bandet. Dette blir en heit kveld! 

CC: 175,-


In 2012, Mali suffered a socio-political and security crisis that led the country into total chaos. There were many casualties and more than a hundred thousand people fled to neighboring countries as refugees. The Festival in the Desert of Timbuktu, which had become one of the most famous cultural events in Africa, could not continue because the extremist occupation was hostile to any festival event and banned music in Northern Mali.

This ban was manifested by the destruction of the site of the Festival and its entry gate, the looting of the warehouse of festival materials such as generators and other electric equipment, water, tents, carpets, etc. More serious than that was the destruction of the monuments and mausoleums of the city of Timbuktu, great symbols of our culture and our beliefs. In short, everything that represented our heritage and culture,that addressed our collective memory, that unified all the ethnicities in this part of the world were crushed.

At present the organization of a festival in this region is impossible, despite all of our past efforts and determination to deal with this terrorism in the Sahel. Yet, projecting the Festival’s values of peace and tolerance, now more than ever, becomes an absolute emergency. 

This is the message that we are carrying around the world to those who share these values with us. We cannot sit back. With the support of the international community, including those countries friendly to Mali, we continue to represent a message of peace and resistance against this violent extremism.

Deafening weapons and cries of intolerance will not be able to silence the singing of the griots, or the sound of the Tindé (drum) or the Imzad (violin). The Festival in the Desert must survive all this, even if as a nomad, until it can return to its site in "Essakane, in Timbuktu."

That is why it is now in the form of ' CARAVAN of ARTISTS for PEACE and RESILIENCE', welcomed by festivals and stages of the world in solidarity with us against obscurantism. What we propose is more than beautiful music. For us, it is an imperative to resist for our very survival.

“Until the music can return to its roots with
freedom of expression and dignity, the
Festival au Desert has become a Festival
in Exile.” Morgan Freeman


Guttorm Andreasen er kjent programleder fra radio og tv og har hatt en dullion musikkprogrammer på de fleste kanaler i NRK. ⭐️

Han har vært DJ siden 1980 og har Norges bredeste platesamling. Guttorm har vært DJ på WOMEX i Sevilla, på Sonar i Barcelona, mange ganger i London og ellers fra Bergen til Bishkek og de fleste klubber og festivaler i Norge.

Han tar med seg den aller feteste og tyngste afrikanske dansemusikken og gleder seg veldig til å danse med hele SALT!

Tidligere arrangement: 12. juni
Social Media Days Stavanger 2018
Senere arrangement: 29. august
Musikkprat på Folken: Get Ur Freak On